Manufacturers certified by ASME, so-called Stamp-Holder, like:

PP       -           Pressure Piping

S         -           Power Boiler

U         -           Pressure Vessels

and/or manufacturer, which fabricate according to API, AWS and ASTM – Standards belong to our target group regarding employer-based qualification system.

If you manufacture or should manufacture according to the above-mentioned standards or have them manufactured and need our support in implementing the employer certification, e.g. according to SNT-TC-1A in conjunction with ASME BPVC V in your company, then please simply contact us!

We will be happy to help you with our tried and reviewed system.

Services offered:

  • Issue of the procedure regarding the Training, Qualification and Certification of NDE-Personnel based on SNT-TC-1A (Written Practice) & ASME BPVC V – if applicable.
  • Issue of your NDE-Procedures or Work-Instructions (Written Procedures) in German/English language.
  • Outside Agency Service
  • NDE-Level III Service
  • Training, Qualification and Examination of your NDE Level I and NDE Level II Personnel according to the requirements of SNT-TC-1A /ASME BPVC V and your Written Practice.
  • Qualification and Examination of your internal NDE Level III according to the requirements of SNT-TC-1A / ASME BPVC V and your Written Practice.
  • Participation at Audits and Joint Reviews.
  • Performing of internal Audits.
  • and more …
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