Volker Pohl
After graduating from vocational (technical) college, I saw the light of day, so to speak, in the NDE world in 1995.
I have been working continuously in non-destructive examination (NDE) since 1995. Since 2002 I have also been responsible for level 3 / level III.
Through various areas of responsibility, I have been able to acquire comprehensive knowledge and practical experience regarding the services offered here. As part of my activities as a construction and production supervisor, I was able to demonstrate my knowledge and skills in QA/QC service in addition to non-destructive examination.
Today, all this experience forms the basis for a reputable Outside Agency Service.
My Qualifications:
- NDE Level 3 at Ultrasonic Testing (UT 3) acc. to ISO 9712, SNT TC 1A and ACCP Professional Level III
- NDE Level 3 at Radiographic Testing (RT 3) acc. to ISO 9712, SNT TC 1A and ACCP Professional Level III
- NDE Level 3 at Penetrant Testing (PT 3) acc. to ISO 9712, SNT TC 1A and ACCP Professional Level III
- NDE Level 3 at Magnetic Particle Testing (MT 3) acc. to ISO 9712, SNT TC 1A and ACCP Professional Level III
- NDE Level 3 at Visual Testing (VT 3) acc. to ISO 9712, SNT TC 1A and ACCP Professional Level III
- NDE Level 3 Certification acc. to Pressure Directive 2014/68/EU (UT 3, RT 3, PT 3, MT 3 and VT 3)
- NDE Level 2 at Phased Array (PAUT 2) acc. to ISO 9712 & SNT-TC-1A
- AI – Authorized Inspector (National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors)
- IWS – International Welding Specialist
- IWI-S – International Welding Inspector at Standard Level
- AWS CWI – Certified Welding Inspector
- Qualified Person for Pressure Vessels and Piping acc. to operational safety regulations (German law) and TRBS 1203 Part 2
- TÜV – QM-Supplier Auditor
- IHK – Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor
- Requisite qualification at Radiation Safety for S 3.2, S 5, R 1.1, R 2.2, R 10 as well as Transportation of radioactive material (German Law)

Carmen Pohl
Where would I be without my wife...?
There is a lot of paperwork involved in personnel qualification. To fulfill the requirements of SNT-TC-1A and to create audit-proof documentation for our customers, documents such as certificates of attendance, certificates of examination, NDE certificates etc. must be recorded and documented in the NDE Qualification Record. Carmen supports me in these preparatory activities, is in contact with the customers, prepares the documents ... in short, keeps my back free and, as a former certified NDE person herself, knows what we are talking about here.
She also takes care of compiling the exams, preparing the personnel files etc.

Freelancer / Co-Operation Partner:
If required, we can call on highly qualified freelancers as well as cooperation partners to fulfill the tasks assigned to us.
We work together with Martin Maass in the context of Phased Array (PAUT) training.
See also: www.testsinn.de
Martin is a true application engineer for me! I also completed my PAUT training with him.
With Martin, we also work on the topic of "SCAN plan", which is often forgotten or subordinate in ISO training ... which, incidentally, is mandatory (!) according to both ISO and ASME ...
Since the training hours and training content of ISO 9712 with regard to PAUT do not fulfill the requirements of SNT-TC-1A and ASME BPVC V, Art. 1, MA II, we can usefully supplement the missing training hours at this point!